When any innocent person is killed in wartime, it is a tragedy. Regarding the aid-workers who were recently killed in Gaza, I am absolutely certain that there will be an inquiry in Israel as to what happened, and I hope that any person responsible will be brought to account. As a religion which is centred on good ethics, we Jews are taught to love life, and to feel sorrow at the deaths of innocents. I know that we are not a perfect people, but one of the central values of the Jewish faith is that all life is sacred, and we are permitted to break ANY religious law to save a life.

I know that those who hate Jews will not listen to any reasonable and true thing I say, but just as I affirm that all life is sacred, we must just as equally remember that Hamas is a death cult – and they are proud of it, they don’t even try to hide it. Hamas teaches Palestinian children from an early age to love death and want to die; to die is the greatest wish of an Islamic fundamentalist. They also teach their children to kill, and to rejoice especially when they kill a Jew – on 7/Oct, they raped women and paraded their naked, dead bodies through the streets of Gaza to cheering crowds. As a Jew, I am forbidden to rejoice over the death of my enemies; when Arafat died in 2005, there was no rejoicing in Israel – no one celebrated (I know this for a fact, because I happened to be in Israel on the day he died).

We want peace; there is nothing I would love more than for Israel NOT to fire another shot, for no more Palestinians to die, and for there to be peace between Israel and Gaza. But I ask this question: why is no one pushing Hamas to a ceasefire? Why are western leaders not pushing Hamas just as hard as they are pushing and threatening Israel?

If Hamas were to lay down its arms tomorrow, WE WOULD HAVE PEACE TOMORROW. If Israel were to lay down its arms, in very short order there will be another massacre on the scale of 7th Oct last year, and eventually, the State of Israel will cease to exist.

People in the west have been brought up to believe that the weaker party in a conflict is ALWAYS right, and the stronger party is ALWAYS wrong. But no Jew loves war; no Jew wants to kill anyone, not even our enemies or those who hate us. We just want to live in peace. There will be peace when those in Gaza love their own children’s lives more than they hate Jews.

I also want to remind everyone that 20% – that’s TWENTY PERCENT – of the population of Israel are Arabs, and the vast majority of them support Israel, and many of them fight side by side with Jewish soldiers in the Israeli army – a fact that western media do not allow the rest of the world to know or be aware of. When Hamas attacked Israel on 7th Oct last year, they killed Arabs as well as Jews, without discrimination. I HATE the deaths of innocent people, I want an end to the war, and I pray that peace will come quickly and soon, and in our day.