Why did God say, “Isn’t Aaron THE LEVITE your brother?”

Shalom everyone, The question in this article’s title may seem like a bland and uninteresting one, but if you follow my line of reasoning, it will ultimately reveal to us what God thought about the Ten Plagues, and therefore something of YHVH’s personality. When we...

Is Wisdom a created heavenly Being, separate from God?

In Yahwist theology, you have to remember that YHVH has no gender – YHVH is neither male nor female. You therefore cannot separate out maleness and femaleness from God; to do so is to suggest that the God of Israel is not One, but is instead divisible. So is Wisdom a...

SY Passage 20: ‘The Kingdom of God is within you’

The twentieth passage of the Sefer Yeshua is based on Lk 17.20-21, and Th 113.1-4. Thomas 3.3 also has one verse in common, but that passage will be covered under the commentary for the next passage, SY 21. 20. 1People enquired of Yeshua and said, ‘When will the...

SY passage 19: The Humble will be exalted

The nineteenth passage of the Sefer Yeshua is based on Mt 23:12 and Lk 14:11, 18.14b. Its likely origin is therefore the Q-Gospel. 19. 1Yeshua said, ‘Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, 2and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.’ Overview This pericope ends the...