The Religion of Heaven, the natural religion of the Human heart, and the Universal Covenant
Shabbat shalom everyone, In just over six weeks’ time, we will be observing the Festival of First Fruits, also known as 'the Festival of Weeks'. In Rabbinic Judaism, it is celebrated as the Giving of the Torah. However, Torah itself says that this took place on the...
Talmidaism and the Importance of Mental Health
Shalom my sisters and brothers, There's one topic I don’t talk that often about, but which is nevertheless an important one for a religious life, and that is mental health. A healthy spirituality and good mental health go together hand in hand. Fundamentalist...
The Exodus for new Converts and Godfearers
Shalom everyone, First of all, let me take this opportunity to wish you all a happy Festival of Unleavened Bread! May you enjoy a joyous and happy Passover Seder! Hag Matzot saméach! The story of the Exodus is the foundational birth-story of the nation of Israel. It...
The Memorial fast tomorrow for the Martyrdom of the Prophet Yeshua (How Talmidaism views the death and resurrection of Yeshua)
Shalom everyone, In the Hasidic Jewish community, each sect celebrates the life and teachings of their respective founding Rebbes, in much the same way as we celebrate the life and teachings of the Prophet Yeshua. If you ever need to explain to other Jews how we, as...
Yeshua’s calling as a prophet, and its relevance today
Shalom my dearest sisters and brothers, At the end of this week, we'll be commemorating the martyrdom of the Prophet Yeshua, so today I thought it a good idea to look at his life as a prophet, and what such a calling might mean to us today. In the Hebrew Bible, some...
How Yeshua wanted Honesty and Trustworthiness to be hallmarks of his Followers
Shalom, my dearest sisters and brothers, You show who your heavenly Father is, by the conduct of your life, and what you strive and aspire to. None of us are perfect, but we show who our Sovereign and King is, by the values we hold up as important truths. If you...
The Ethics of God’s Kingdom
Shalom, my dearest sisters and brothers, If you are a Follower of Yeshua, then if there is anything you learn from him – one thing, then learn that the right way to approach problems in life is with compassion and understanding. There are too many religious people who...
The Kingdom of God demands change
Shalom, my beloved brothers and sisters, When you become a Follower of the Way, it’s not possible to remain the same person you were before; I know that I for one am not the same person as I once was....
Yahveh as our True King (or, Why Talmidaism is not messianic)
Shalom, my brothers and sisters, Every community in the ancient Middle East had kings. In the original Israelite religion, however, they alone had a king that no one could see. They alone had a king who would treat them justly, rule them with equity and impartiality,...
You are never alone in your faith (The difficulties of having faith as part of a small religious community)
Shalom everyone, Imagine this situation: In your spiritual journey, you have searched alone, questioned everything alone, and sought divine truth, alone. Then finally, without any human guidance, urging or prompting, you find God – I mean, really find and experience...