The Religious Writings of the Talmidi Jewish Community: ‘The Exhortations’

The Exhortations (ההפצרות ‘Ha-Haftsarot’ in Hebrew) is a collection of the writings of both ancient and modern Followers of the Way.

Please use the quick-links below, or navigate through the menu on the left, to view introductory notes on the collection, as well as the complete texts of the 14 books of The Exhortations themselves.

The origin, purpose and use of Talmidi writings

The 14 Books of The Exhortations:

The Book of Yochanan the Immerser

The Scroll of the Preaching

The Book of the Prophet Yeshua (the Sefer Yeshua)

The Two Trials of Yeshua of Nazareth

The Teaching of the Emissaries

The Letter of Ya`aqov

The Book of Ya`aqov the Pious

The Book of the Visions of Shimon

The Laments for Jerusalem

The Days of Shimon of Jerusalem

The Hymns of the Pious Poor

Selections from the Wisdom of Yeshua ben Sira

The Testament of Yudah Nasi

The Contemporary Writings of Modern Followers


May YHVH, the Living God of all Truth and Fathfulness, be with you always

The complete collection of the 14 books of The Exhortations has now been published in one volume. It is available from Amazon-UK at £18.50, and from Amazon-US at $23.19

If you ever have any questions about what you read, or if you profoundly disagree with anything, please email at

The Exhortations is our equivalent of the New Testament, but does not have any scriptural authority; the only scriptural authority for Talmidis is the Galilean canon of the Hebrew Bible; you do not have to agree with The Exhortations in order to call oneself a Talmidi.