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Prayer rooms

Yeshua taught, “whenever you pray, go into your inner room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Mt 6:6). From this saying developed the modern Talmidi idea of a prayer-room as a sacred space set apart in the house.

Also, in ancient times, there was the Israelite practice of going up onto one’s roof to pray. In a cold climate, or in countries which do not have flat roofs, this practice was not possible, hence support for the idea of the prayer-room. The prayer-room therefore comes from Yeshua’s own teaching, and from ancient Israelite practice in the home. Even in a small room, observing a prayerful and reverent demeanour invites the Presence of YHVH to dwell among us.

Prayer-rooms are usually a small room on the uppermost floor, or a cordoned off section of a larger room, which has been set apart solely for extended periods of prayer and meditation in the home (eg where you can have your home services on Shabbat morning). Psychologically, having a place set apart for prayer helps induce a peaceful state of mind, and aids the individual in reaching a heightened mental attitude of prayer.

The need also developed out of the lack of Talmidi synagogues, to have a quiet space where small numbers of Followers of the Way could come together in an atmosphere of prayer and holiness.

On the wall facing Jerusalem you can either have a plain white curtain, or a simple mizrach with verses containing the Holy Name on the wall facing Jerusalem. If you wish, you can also have a small table with a menorah.

Typically one has one’s collection of religious books near the back, since a prayer room is also used for meditation and the study of one’s faith. At the back is a comfortable bench, chair or armchair to sit in during one’s prayer or meditation. There are no images whatsoever in the room.

Another custom is to leave one’s shoes outside the room, and enter barefoot. This adds to the atmosphere (“remove your sandals from off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground”, Ex 3:5)

A couple of things should be borne in mind:

  •  you don’t have to have a prayer-room
  • you can pray anywhere

It should be emphasised that this is only part of modern tradition, and should only be done if one finds such a thing helpful. If you might find the practice of having a sacred space inside the home helpful, the prayer-room is only a suggestion, not an obligation.