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The Nature of the Covenant

The essence and purpose of the Covenant

The Covenant is not about us; it’s primarily about God.

If YHVH could take the most stubborn, cantankerous, rebellious and stiff-necked people on the face of the earth, and turn them into a nation, and preserve them as a nation forever, then all humanity would see the power of YHVH, the one true living God, throughout all time.

The Covenant was put in place to act as a vehicle of witness to God’s presence, holiness and power in the world, not just in a particular place, but throughout all time.

When someone converts, they are saying, ‘I want to join the Covenant because I want to spread the fame, reputation and renown of YHVH’. They must be ready to take on all the responsibilities that entails.

Both Israelites and Godfearers adhere to the Covenant with the aim of being witnesses to God’s active presence throughout all time. Circumcision and full conversion for Godfearers, merely attaches and binds them to the Land.

The Covenant says, ‘If you will worship me alone, and follow my laws and commandments forever, then I will give you the land of Canaan forever, and preserve you as a people forever, and protect you securely in your land forever.

That in essence is it. Everything else is blessings and benefits, terms and conditions, stipulations, provisos and addenda.


Myths about the covenant:

‘Gentiles have to be in the Covenant, otherwise we can’t be saved’

The Covenant is not about salvation. It is about giving the descendents of Jacob the Land of Israel forever, and preserving Israel as a nation forever.

‘Christ died so that Gentiles could be part of the Covenant’

Why? What part of the Covenant do they feel they absolutely must be a part of?

‘The New Covenant with Christians replaces the old one God had with Israel

But the passage in Jeremiah doesn’t say the renewed covenant is with Christianity, it says it’s with ‘the house of Israel (the northern kingdom) and the house of Judah (the southern kingdom)’. And covenants cannot be annulled or replaced: “I will not annul my covenant with them” (Lev 26:44); “I will not violate my Covenant, nor change what I have uttered” (Ps 89:35)

‘If Gentiles are not part of the Covenant, God won’t bless or protect us’.

Nonsense! God loves, blesses and protects every human being, and they don’t have to be part of the Covenant.

Please click on the links to the left to read more on the Covenant